A Brief History of the English Language

Feb 20 2018

许多说英语的人认为英语是一种罗曼语. After all, many English words come from Latin. 然而,英语实际上是一种西日耳曼语言. 它与现代德语的关系要比与法语的关系密切得多! 为了理解其中的原因,我们将深入研究英语的历史.

Britain was once inhabited by numerous Celtic tribes, 但从公元1世纪到4世纪一直被罗马帝国占领.D. 在此期间,罗马人统治着当地的凯尔特人, who spoke various Celtic languages.

古英语取代了以前在英国广泛使用的凯尔特语. 英语起源于盎格鲁-弗里斯兰方言,于5世纪至7世纪由日耳曼入侵者和来自现在德国西北部的定居者带到英国, Denmark, and the Netherlands. 这些人现在被历史学家称为盎格鲁-撒克逊人.

In the meantime, 维京人入侵并定居在英格兰东海岸, bringing with them a few new words, such as want, take, weak, and slaughter. Notably, 挪威人给英语提供了代词they,并加强了单词are的使用,以代替古英语中to be的其他变化形式,如sind, which is for example still used in modern German.

1066年,来自法国的诺曼入侵者在著名的黑斯廷斯战役中征服了盎格鲁-撒克逊人, they brought with them their language, a dialect of Old French. 有一段时间,英国的下层阶级说古英语,上层阶级说古法语. This led to there being two words for many concepts in modern English; one derived from old English, and one from French. 一个经典的例子就是说英语的人给肉取的各种各样的名字. 牛做牛肉,猪做猪肉,鹿做鹿肉. 19世纪小说家沃尔特·斯科特爵士(Sir Walter Scott)简洁地描述了这种语言的二元性:“盎格鲁-撒克逊人养育食物, the Norman Frenchman ate it.”

诺曼人的入侵也改变了一些古英语单词的拼写和发音. 讲法语的抄写员听到他们周围的人说英语,并试图把他们听到的抄写下来. 他们不可避免地把法语的拼写规则归因于英语单词. For example, the word cwen was written as queen. Similarly, cirice was written church. 在像cell或circle这样的单词中,字母c经常代替字母s.

As time went on, 诺曼领主和盎格鲁-撒克逊仆人最终发展出一种通过共同语言相互交流的方式. 这种语言以日耳曼语为基础,增加了一层法语单词. All the most common words for simple, everyday things were Germanic, 更复杂的事物和思想的词汇来自法语. In the process, 许多日耳曼语言特有的复杂语法消失了, 许多不规则复数也是如此(尽管他们漏掉了一些), like “children”). The result was a language known as Middle English, 这在杰弗里·乔叟的名著《澳门买球投注网》中得到了体现, which was written in the 14th century.

现代英语从16世纪早期一直使用至今. 它是从英国首都伦敦所说的英语方言演变而来的. 元音大移位标志着中古英语向现代英语的过渡. 几乎所有的英语长元音都改变了发音. 在大迁徙之前,英语的元音发音更接近于现代德语. 例如,boot过去常被发音为“boat”,see过去常被发音为“seh”.”

现代英语也深受印刷术的影响. 印刷工通常不是以英语为母语的人,这影响了英语的拼写. For example, 荷兰印刷商给许多英语单词加上了荷兰语拼写, such as with the letter combination gh: ghost, aghast, gherkin.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, 学者们试图修改英语拼写,以反映许多单词的古典词根. For example, the word dette became debt, to mirror its Latin origin debitum, and rime became rhyme, to reflect the Greek rhytmus. But scholars didn’t always get it right! Iland became island, supposedly having come from the Latin insula, but the word actually originates from Old English. 在他们的热情中,学者们实际上过度拉丁化了英语拼写!

到17世纪末,英语或多或少呈现出一种我们今天可以辨认的形式. 这门语言还在继续发展,这一次的原因与以前不同. English is beyond doubt the modern lingua franca. 在全球讲英语的人中,以英语为母语的人占少数. 这意味着英语克里奥尔语和地方方言正在世界各地出现. For example, in Singapore there is a creole known as Singlish, which is a combination of English, Chinese, Malay, and even Tamil. 尽管政府发起了“讲好英语”运动,但新加坡式英语在该地区越来越受欢迎.

毫无疑问,作为一种世界语言,英语有一个有趣的未来. As we are seeing today, 各种形式的英语在世界各地不断发展, 也许有一天,它们甚至会发展成自己的成熟语言. It is very possible that, in the distant future, 现代英语将像今天的拉丁语一样被视为一整个语系的祖先.